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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

6-4 Administrative Policy Safety Management Policy

Safety Unit 750

Return to Administrative Policy Manual

Approved: Board of Supervisors
Authority: Human Resources / County Administrator
Resolution: 08-0157
Revised Date: 2/26/2008 

  1. Purpose
  2. Policy
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Further Information

I. Purpose

To establish the formal safety management program and policy for the all County of Sonoma departments, districts, and agencies governed by the Board of Supervisors, to minimize injury and illness associated with County operations.

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II. Policy

The County of Sonoma is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace in which to deliver governmental services. It is the policy of the County of Sonoma to provide for the protection and well being of employees and the public. 

Safety and health considerations shall be integrated into business planning, decision-making, and daily operations in order to promote continuous performance improvement.

All County operations shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as the county’s own ordinances and established procedures.

In support of this policy, the management of the County of Sonoma accepts the responsibility for implementing, developing, and advocating the Safety Management Program.

The County of Sonoma Safety Management Program document defines the requirements of this policy. Further, the Safety Management Program provides provisions and methods that direct the development of effective programs to manage occupational health and safety, injury prevention, hazardous materials management, fire prevention, and emergency preparedness. 

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III. Responsibilities

The Safety Management Program is administered by the Human Resources Department, Risk Management Division, under the direction of the County Administrator and executed through all county departments, districts, and agencies. Department, district, and agency heads are responsible for implementing this policy and the Safety Management Program. Implementation shall include a Department Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) and other programs to manage specific hazards and exposures.

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IV. Further Information

Please refer to the Human Resources website for additional information such as regulatory requirements, Risk Management requirements, sample programs, procedures and forms.

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