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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

4-4 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy & Complaint Procedure

Equal Employment Opportunity Americans with Disability Act 750

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The County of Sonoma has been, is, and will continue to be, committed to the principle that equal employment opportunity in the public service of the County must be afforded to all persons in accordance with federal and state laws and County ordinances.

Approved: Board of Supervisors
Authority: Human Resources
Resolution: 16-0333
Revised Date: September 2016

Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. Scope
  3. Policy
    1. Nondiscrimination Policy
    2. Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
    3. Unlawful Harassment, including Sexual Harassment Policy
    4. Retaliation Policy
    5. Prohibited Conduct
  4. Definitions
    1. Specific Definition of Sexual Harassment
    2. Other Forms of Harassment
    3. Retaliation
  5. Complaints
  6. Complaint Procedure
    1. Initial Informal Pre-Complaint Counseling
    2. Formal Complaint of Employment Discrimination, Harassment, and/or Retaliation
    3. Right of Representation
    4. Appeal of Recommend Corrective Actions
    5. Consolidation of Disciplinary Appeals to the CSC and Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Complaints
  7. Administration