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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

6-2 Policy for Incompatible Activities

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Return to Administrative Policy Manual

Approved: County Administrator
Authority: County Administrator
Revised Date: July 27, 2004

Table of Contents

I. Purpose

To give department heads guidance in implementing a policy in accordance to Government Code § 1126. This policy is to protect County departments and agencies from employees engaging in inconsistent, incompatible, or conflicting employment, activity, or enterprise, and thereby potentially damaging the organization or violating the public trust. 

II. Policy

  1. All County departments and agencies are required to draft, adopt, and implement an Incompatible Activities Policy reflecting each individual department or agency. Each appointing authority may determine what activities are incompatible. 

  2. The sample policy, which can be located by clicking the following link,  Sample Incompatible Activities Policy, describes minimum standards that departments must include within their departmental incompatible activities policy. Departments should add anything specific to their department. 

  3. Each policy must also provide an appeal procedure in the event an employee disagrees with a determination that an activity is incompatible. 

  4. Each policy must be approved by the governing board of the local agency. In addition, all employees must receive notice of the existence of the policy and sign a receipt as verification. 

  5. In addition, for further reference, click the following link for the  Government Code Section 1126


III. Responsibilities

Department heads are responsible for adopting and implementing an Incompatible Activities Policy for their department. In addition, department heads must ensure that employees have received and are in compliance with the Incompatible Activities Policy for the corresponding department. 

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