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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

4-2 Policy for Position Allocation List

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Approved: County Administrator
Authority: Human Resources / County Administrator
Revised Date: July 27, 2004

  1. Purpose
  2. Policy

I. Purpose

To maintain the number of allocated full-time or part-time positions in each County department or budgetary division as determined by the Board of Supervisors and to identify the authority of the County Administrator's Office and the Human Resources Department in the administration of the position allocation list.

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II. Policy

  1. The Human Resources Director shall provide for maintenance of a Departmental Allocation List, which shall contain the number of permanent positions, which are allocated to each County department or budgetary division/section by position classification. Within the numerical limitations of the position allocation list and the salary limitations for each position established therein, the County Administrator might approve amendments to the Departmental Allocation List. Therefore, such amendments may not increase the total number of allocated positions or exchange a position of a lower salary range for a position of a higher salary range. Any increase in total positions, or any exchange resulting in a position in a higher salary range, requires the approval of the Board of Supervisors. 
  2. Each position on the Departmental Allocation List may be filled by the employment of a qualified person in the class in which the position is authorized. With approval of the Human Resources Director, it may be filled on a substitute basis by the employment of qualified persons in a closely related class that is allocated to the same or lower salary range. An employee in a substitute position shall have permanent, probationary or provisional status, to be determined as provided in the Civil Service Rules for employees in permanent positions. Requesting department must submit the appropriate form to the Human Resources Department for review and approval or disapproval.  
  3. In extraordinary circumstances, the County Administrator's Office and the Human Resources Department may approve a position, vacated or to be vacated through separation or leave, to be filled as a dual position prior to the date of separation and thereafter for the duration of the unused leave or overtime which is paid to the employee upon his separation.  
  4. Department heads may employ extra help employees in accordance with established employment procedures and within authorized budgetary appropriations for such employment. Such employment procedures are available from the Human Resources Department.

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