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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

4-12 COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Policy

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Return to Administrative Policy Manual

Approved: Board of Supervisors
Authority: Human Resources
Date: November 24, 2021

Revision: February 8, 2022

What's on this page:

  1. Purpose and Applicability
  2. Policy
  3. Policy Guidelines and Procedure
  4. Responsibilities
  5. Administration
  6. Definitions
  7. Related Forms and Policies

1. Purpose and Applicability

The purpose of this policy is to facilitate protection of the health and safety of County employees and the residents of the Sonoma County community. Being the largest employer in Sonoma County with over 4,400 employees, and considering the number of household members and residents County employees come into contact with daily, a policy such as this can mitigate COVID-19 transmission. This policy follows the County Health Officer’s strong recommendation that employers implement a policy of vaccine verification or COVID-19 testing, which mirrors recent State and local Health Orders. The overwhelming international public health consensus is that vaccination against COVID-19 is the most effective means of preventing infection with the COVID-19 virus, and subsequent transmission and outbreaks.
This policy applies to all employees performing work for the County, County agencies, and special districts. Where the policy uses terms such as “employees”, “departments”, or “department heads”, these include, but are not limited to, part-time, extra-help, probationary and permanent County employees, as well as executives and employees of the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, the Sonoma County Community Development Commission, the Sonoma County Fair and Exposition, Inc., the Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association, and the Sonoma County Water Agency.

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2. Policy

This policy establishes the requirement for all employees to provide proof of full COVID-19 vaccination or submit to twice-weekly COVID-19 testing as a condition of employment.

This policy further provides that all departments and agencies be Fully Updated by providing proof of COVID-19 booster, when eligible, having received all recommended doses of the primary series of vaccines and a booster dose, or wear a surgical mask or higher level respirator in indoor work settings (including vehicles when others are present).

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3. Policy Guidelines and Procedures

A. Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination

Employees must complete COVID-19 Vaccination Verification Form and Booster Verification Form, and show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination and booster dose(s) to their manager or designee, as provided under this policy. Proof may be provided in one of the following formats:

I. COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card (issued by the Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control & Prevention or WHO Yellow Card) which includes name of person vaccinated, type of vaccine provided and date last dose administered; or

II. A copy or photo of the Vaccination Card or an electronic vaccination record; or
Updated February 8, 2022

III. Documentation of COVID-19 vaccination from a health care provider; or

IV. Record of participation in a County employee COVID vaccination clinic; or

V. Digital state of California record from the

B. COVID-19 Testing

Employees who are not Fully Vaccinated will be subject to twice-weekly COVID-19 testing beginning the week of February 28, 2022, and continuing until the employee submits the required proof, as detailed in Section 3.A above.

I. Employees performing work two days a week, or less, or performing 100% telework during their workweek must test once-weekly.

II. Employees must complete a COVID-19 Testing Consent Authorization Form.

III. Testing will be conducted during a regular work shift with pre-approval from the employee’s manager or supervisor and will be considered hours worked. Pre-approval from the employee’s manager or supervisor is required for testing conducted outside of the regular work schedule in order to be considered hours worked.

IV. County offered testing resources will be made available to employees as an option.

V. The employee’s manager or another department authorized designated manager will provide notice of the date, time, and location for County offered COVID-19 testing.

VI. Alternatively, the employee may submit proof of negative COVID-19 PCR or antigen test as authorized under the Cal OSHA emergency Temporary Standards, conducted during the weekly testing window. (Home test kit results will not be accepted.)

VII. If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, departments will follow the procedures outlined in Section I: Exclusion of COVID-19 Cases and Employees Who Had a Close Contact COVID-19 Exposure, of the Department’s COVID-19 Protection Program (CPP) and the County’s Exposure Protocol.

C. Masking

I. Employees who are not Fully Vaccinated or Fully Updated (as defined in this document) must wear an FDA- cleared surgical mask or higher-level respirator, such as an N95 filtering face piece, in indoor work setting (including vehicles when others are present) until such time as the employee submits the required proof, as detailed in Section 3.A above.

D. Tracking and Reporting

The following information will be recorded and tracked and maintained in a manner consistent with the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (“CMIA”), and Sonoma County’s Information Technology Use and Security Policy and Guidelines for Management and Access of Employee Records.
Updated February 8, 2022

I. Proof of vaccination and booster
 Full legal name
 Date of birth
 Date(s) of vaccination
 COVID-19 Vaccine manufacturer

II. COVID-19 Testing Dates
 Date of test
 Results of test

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4. Responsibilities

A. Department Heads (or designee):

I. Ensure managers and supervisors are advised of the COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Policy.

II. Ensure managers and supervisors are appropriately communicating with employees regarding the policy requirements.

III. Follow and ensure compliance with the policy guidance, protocols and all local, state and/or federal regulatory guidelines (including the Department’s COVID-19 Prevention Program) and Public Health Orders.

IV. Ensure there are internal processes in place to maintain confidential records and that required information is entered into the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) in a timely manner.

B. Managers:

I. Managers review proof of COVID-19 vaccination submitted by employees and provide the required information to the department Payroll Clerk or other designee(s) responsible for maintaining employee records (paper and electronic); if a designee is assigned by managers, then managers must ensure their designee is following the process. The proof of COVID-19 vaccination is returned to the employee or deleted.

II. For employees subject to COVID-19 testing, communicate available testing resources, including any County provided sites, and schedule testing times for direct reports during their regularly scheduled work shifts or authorize direct reports to test outside their regular work schedule.

III. Follow and ensure employees comply with the policy guidance, protocols and all local, state and/or federal regulatory guidelines (including the Department’s COVID-19 Prevention Program) and Public Health Orders.

C. Employees:

I. Notify their supervisor if, at any time prior to or during the course of their shift, they experience COVID-19 symptoms, or receive a positive COVID-19 test result.

II. Notify their supervisor if they believe they may have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.

III. Follow all directives, policies and procedures to assist in maintaining a safe work environment.

IV. Provide proof of full COVID-19 vaccination and booster to their manager or designee as described in Section 3.A of this Policy.

V. If proof of full COVID-19 vaccination is not provided, complete COVID-19 tests as directed by their manager or supervisor.

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5. Administration

The County Administrator has the authority to end or amend the COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing policy after consulting with the County Health Officer, County Counsel, and Human Resources. The Policy is under the general oversight and administration of the Human Resources Department. Department Human Resources Liaisons should contact Employee and Labor Relations for questions regarding policy interpretations. Human Resources will communicate information about the Policy and conduct necessary meet and confer meeting if the Policy is amended or ended. 

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6. Definitions

County - For purposes of this policy, County means all departments and agencies for which the Board Of Supervisors Acts as the Board of Directors or Commissioners or hiring/appointing authority, including the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, the Sonoma County Community Development Commission, the Sonoma County Fair and Exposition, Inc., the Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association, and the Sonoma County Water Agency.

COVID-19 - Coronavirus disease, an infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

COVID-19 Protection Program (CPP) - Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (“OSHSB”) Emergency Temporary Standards (“ETS”) require that employers adopt and implement a COVID-19 Prevention Program (“CPP”) to provide employees a healthy and safe workplace as required under the California Occupational Safety and Health Act (Lab. Code §§ 6300, et seq.) and associated regulations (8 C.C.R. § 3205).

COVID-19 Symptoms – Symptoms of COVID-19 include the following: (1) fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher or chills; (2) cough; (3) shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; (4) fatigue; (5) muscle or body aches; (6) headache; (7) new loss of taste or smell; (8) sore throat; (9) congestion or runny nose; (10) nausea or vomiting; or (11) diarrhea, unless a licensed health care professional determines the person’s symptoms were caused by a known condition other than COVID-19, or as outlined by the Center for Disease Control.
Updated February 8, 2022

COVID-19 Test - a test for SARS-CoV-2 that is both: (1) Approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) or has an Emergency Use Authorization (“EUA”) from the FDA to diagnose current infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus; (2) Administered in accordance with the FDA approval or the FDA EUA as applicable; and specimens are processed by a laboratory, or where specimen collection and processing is either done or observed by an employer.(Home test kit results will not be accepted).

Department Head – Executives, Directors and Designees of the County of Sonoma, Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, the Sonoma County Community Development Commission, the Sonoma County Fair and Exposition, Inc., the Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association, and the Sonoma County Water Agency.

Employee – Full-time, part-time, extra help, probationary and permanent County and Agency employees, as well as executives and employees of the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, the Sonoma County Community Development Commission, the Sonoma County Fair and Exposition, Inc., the Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association, and the Sonoma County Water Agency.

Fully Vaccinated - An employee is considered “fully” vaccinated when the employee received, at least 14 days prior, either the second dose in a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series or a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines must be FDA approved; have an emergency use authorization from the FDA; or, for persons fully vaccinated outside the United States, be listed for emergency use by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Fully Updated – An individual is not only “Fully Vaccinated” but has also obtained a booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccination for which they are eligible as authorized by the FDA. For example, as of the effective date of this policy revision, individuals who received their second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine more than five months ago are eligible for and must obtain a booster shot to be Fully Updated, while individuals who received one dose of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine more than two months ago are eligible for and must obtain a booster shot of any of the available vaccines to be Fully Updated.

Performing Work – Performing assigned tasks or duties and/or providing services on behalf of the County at any site or location. Employees on leave or extra-help breaks are not considered to be performing work and do not need to comply with this policy until they resume work activities.

Vaccine: A COVID-19 Vaccine satisfies the requirements of this policy if: (i) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a License or an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the vaccine or; (ii) the World Health Organization has approved Emergency Use Listing (EUL).

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7. Related Forms and Policies

A. Employee COVID-19 Vaccination Verification Form
B. Employee Booster Verification Form
C. Employee Testing Consent and Authorization Form
Updated February 8, 2022
D. Department COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP)
E. Administrative Policy 9-2 Information Technology Use and Security Policy Manual
F. Guidelines for Management and Access of Employee Records

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