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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

2-2 Policy for Departmental Representation at BOS Meetings

County Administrator's Office

Return to Administrative Policy Manual

Approved: County Administrator
Authority: County Clerk / County Administrator
Revised Date: 07/27/2004

  1. Purpose
  2. Policy

I. Purpose

To define departmental responsibilities related to consent, regular, fee and public hearing agenda items.

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II. Policy

  1. Generally, the Board of Supervisors meets each Tuesday of the week beginning at 8:30 a.m. The consent and regular agenda is held in the a.m. with hearings in the p.m. and, occasionally, at night. Department heads will be notified in advance by the Clerk of the Board regarding changes to the schedule.
  2. If a department has an item on the consent or regular agenda, the department head, or designee, is required to be in the Board chambers by 8:30 a.m. and be prepared to respond to questions from the Board. This procedure also applies to fee or other public hearing items that are set by the Clerk of the Board for a time certain. All Department Heads should personally attend the Board of Supervisors budget sessions, e.g.:
    1. the budget policy workshop,
    2. the opening of the final budget hearings,
    3. the close of the final budget hearings if there are departmental items pending, and
    4. budget hearings for the department as well as other budget hearings, which could substantially affect the department, such as Capital Improvement Program, Information Systems, etc.
  3. If unable to attend, an appropriate designee should represent the department head.
  4. Presentations of items on a joint basis (more than one (1) department) should generally be conducted by a lead department with participation, as necessary, from the other departments as well as the County Administrator's assigned analyst.

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