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Board of Supervisors Department

Previous Items of Significant Public Interest


Monday, June 12, 2023 Living Wage Ordinance discussion

The Board of Supervisors will discuss proposed changes to the Living Wage Ordinance, including whether lessees and concessionaires should be covered under the ordinance and whether to add a paid time off requirement.

Written comments may be sent to, with “Living Wage – public comment” indicated in the subject line.

Meeting details will be posted on the County’s Board of Supervisors website at in early June. Public comments may be made live during the meeting or by joining the meeting via Zoom.

April 4, 2023 | Well Ordinance Update

The Board will consider a revised amendment to the Sonoma County Code Chapter 25B (Well Ordinance) to add provisions for evaluation of impacts to Public Trust Resources and Well Metering, and to make related and technical corrections; and set a fee for discretionary well permit applications.  Permit Sonoma assembled both a Policy Working Group and a Technical Working Group to aid in development of a proposed ordinance. The proposed ordinance is updated from the version heard and discussed by the Board on October 4, 2022. 

Please direct public comments to:

Well Ordinance Update online GIS map »

Documents in PDF format:

April 4, 2023 | Local Coastal Plan Update

At their October 4, 2022, hearing, the Board of Supervisors reviewed the Planning Commission Recommended Local Coastal Plan and directed staff to return with policy options for a number of topic areas.

The Board of Supervisors will consider the staff recommended policy options and adoption of the Local Coastal Plan on April 4, 2023. Once adopted by the Board of Supervisors, the Local Coastal Plan will be reviewed by the Coastal Commission and certified for consistency with the Coastal Act.

Policy option topic areas include:

  • Agricultural fencing.
  • Support for the U.C. Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory.
  • Expanded opportunities for new campgrounds.
  • Public access to the Estero Americano.
  • Fire fuel management.
  • Preservation of non-commercial forests and woodlands.
  • On-shore facilities related to off-shore wind energy or seabed mining.
  • Reintroduction of Sea Otters to the Sonoma coast.
  • Site-specific policies for visitor-serving development.
  • Subdivision of agricultural lands to support small family farms.

Permit Sonoma published policy option discussion papers that provide analysis and recommendations. We look forward to your input and comments, which you can provide to Gary Helfrich, the project planner, at:

You can learn more at the Local Coastal Plan webpage.

March 21, 2023 | FY 23-24 Consolidated Fee Hearings

The Board of Supervisors and Board of Directors will consider proposed ordinances and resolutions to adopt new fees and adjust existing fees to recover the reasonable costs of providing services for the Permit and Resource Management Department, the Sonoma County Water Agency, the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District, the Occidental County Sanitation District, the Russian River County Sanitation District, the South Park County Sanitation District, the Sonoma County Department of Agriculture/Weights & Measures,  Regional Parks, Jail Booking Fees, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office, Sonoma County Public Infrastructure – Airport, and the Department of Health Services Public Health Laboratory.

The summary Board item and detailed materials from departments are available at the links below.

Consolidated Fee Hearing Overview (PDF: 220 kB)

Fee Materials for:

March 7, 2023 | Permit Sonoma Management Review Implementation Plan

The Board of Supervisors will review and consider a draft implementation plan for Permit Sonoma to improve process and service delivery. On January 31, 2023, the Board of Supervisors received findings and recommendations from a management review of Permit Sonoma and directed that the Director of Permit Sonoma return to the Board. On March 7, 2023, the Director of Permit Sonoma will return with a draft implementation plan for the Board’s review.

You may join the Board meeting in person or virtually to provide input; or you may email comments to The Board meeting details will be available here.

February 28, 2023 | Dry Creek Rancheria Restated MOA

The Board of Supervisors will review and consider for approval the staff recommended Dry Creek Rancheria restated memorandum of agreement (MOAwith the County of Sonoma. The recommended restated MOA will supersede all terms currently in effect. This item was tentatively scheduled to be heard by the Board of Supervisors on January 24, 2023 and has been moved to February 28, 2023.

The intent is to (a) establish an updated document  that accurately reflects the current relationship between the Tribe and the County; (b) recognize Tribe’s intent to redesign its future Tribal economic development project plan in a manner that benefits its members, and the community as a whole by pursuing a reduced scope casino and resort development; and c) to comply with item 12 in the 2015 MOA Amendment, stating  “the County and Tribe will seek to negotiate an Amended and Restated MOA, to incorporate past, present and future modifications to the MOA, into a unified document, to the parties mutual satisfaction for clarity and ease of administration.”

You may join the Board meeting in person or virtually to provide input; or you may email your comments to The Board meeting details will be available here  


September 27, 2022  | 2022 Homeless Count Report

Results of the February 25, 2022, Homeless Point in Time Count for Sonoma County. 

August 9, 2022 | Peer Support Certification Scholarships

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is offering scholarship opportunities, through CalMHSA, for peers who want to seek certification as Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialists.

March 2, 2022 6 p.m. - TRUTH Act ICE Access Virtual Community Forum

The Transparent Review of Unjust Transfers and Holds (TRUTH) Act requires the County of Sonoma to hold an annual community forum if the Sheriff's Office provided the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency with any access to individuals for civil immigration enforcement purposes during the prior calendar year. Members of the community are encouraged to participate remotely and receive data and provide comment to the Board of Supervisors and Sheriff. The event will be accessible in English and Spanish on Zoom. 

Read the forum materials in English and Spanish

2 de marzo, 2022 a las 6 p.m. – Acta TRUTH Foro Comunitario Virtual sobre Acceso ICE

El Acta de Revisión Transparente de Transferencias y Detenciones Injustas (TRUTH) exige que el Condado de Sonoma sostenga un foro comunitario anual, si la Oficina del Alguacil le proporciona a la agencia federal de Vigilancia de Migración y Aduanas (ICE) acceso alguno a las personas con el propósito de vigilar la migración civil, durante el año calendario anterior. Se invita a los miembros de la comunidad para que participen de manera remota, reciban datos y proporcionen sus comentarios a la Junta de Supervisores y al Alguacil. El evento se podrá accesar en inglés y en español en Zoom. 

Lea los materiales del foro en inglés y en español


December 7, 2021 – Sonoma County Mulit-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan (SCMJHMP)

The Board of Supervisors will consider adoption of the 2021 Sonoma County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan as an update to the 2016 Sonoma County Hazard Mitigation Plan. The federal Disaster Management Act of 2000 requires state and local governments to develop, and regularly update, hazard mitigation plans to meet federal and state hazard planning requirements and as a condition for disaster grant assistance. For this update, Sonoma County partnered with local incorporated city governments and special districts within the County to prepare the 2021 Sonoma County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (MJHMP). The MJHMP includes a risk and vulnerability assessment of natural hazards within the County, establishes mitigation priorities and actions for risk reduction, and presents a five-year implementation and maintenance plan. The plan complies with federal and state requirements to establish eligibility for funding under FEMA grant programs for all planning partners. Sonoma County’s ability to apply for and receive future funding from FEMA is dependent on having a current, approved Hazard Mitigation Plan in place, and the County's current plan expires in April 2022.

December 14, 2021 at 1:45 PM – ORD21-0003 Zoning Code Update

The Board of Supervisors will consider adoption of a Zoning Code update to allow working from home and restaurant take-out without additional permitting requirements. An urgency ordinance approved in July of 2020 temporarily suspended permitting requirements for home occupations and restaurant take-out to comply with COVID19 shelter-in-place orders and social distancing requirements. The proposed update to the Zoning Code would make these changes permanent.

November 2, 2021 at 1:30 PM – UPC18-0037 Los Alamos Road

UPC18-0037 Los Alamos Road Summary: The Board of Supervisors will exercise original jurisdiction and consider a Limited-Term Use Permit for a cannabis operation that includes 43,560 square feet of outdoor cultivation, 10,890 square feet of propagation, and distributor and transport only on a 40-acre parcel located at 2260 Los Alamos Road, Santa Rosa, within the Resources and Rural Development Zone District. The proposed operation will be closed to the public. The project site is currently operating under the Penalty Relief Program.

September 28, 2021 – Special Events Permitting Reform

Special events like parades, athletic events, and festivals play an important role in the county. The Special Event Permitting Reform Workshop provides an opportunity for staff to update the Board of Supervisors and receive direction regarding a proposal to improve special events permitting. This workshop also serves as a forum for additional public input on the goals of the project.

October 19, 2021 – UPC17-0069 Freestone Ranch LLC Cannabis Cultivation and Processing

UPC17-0069 Freestone Ranch LLC Cannabis Cultivation and Processing Summary: The Board of Supervisors will exercise original jurisdiction and consider a Limited Term Use Permit for a cannabis operation that includes 39,861 square feet of outdoor cultivation, 3,150 square feet cultivation in temporary hoop houses, 500 square feet of indoor cannabis cultivation/propagation, 1,125 square feet of propagation/nursery and associated processing on a 10.72-acre parcel located at 1478 Valley Ford Freestone Road in Bodega, within the Land Extensive Agriculture Combining District. The proposed operation will be closed to the public. The project site is currently operating under the Penalty Relief Program.

September 14, 2021 – UPC17-0094 Loe Firehouse Cannabis Dispensary Appeal

Appeal of a Use Permit approval to allow the Loe Firehouse cannabis dispensary including 1,891 square feet of on-site retail floor area and delivery service in an existing 3,847 square foot office building on 0.33 acre parcel in Limited Commercial zoning located at 15499 Arnold Drive Road in Glen Ellen. (UPC17-0094).

September 14, 2021 – Zoning Code Modernization Phase 3 - Update to the Accessory Dwelling Unit and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unite Ordinances

The Board of Supervisors will consider adoption of an updated Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU) ordinance, and related Zoning Code changes, to bring County regulations into compliance with state law. The State legislature recently enacted changes to the law, effective January 01, 2020, to reduce local zoning barriers to ADU development in response to the housing affordability crisis. The changes nullified the County’s ADU and JADU regulations, and Permit Sonoma has since been reviewing and processing ADU and JADU permits using only the standards in state law. The proposed ordinance will codify mandatory state standards for ADUs and JADUs, and allow the County to re-implement certain provisions of its nullified regulations..

August 31, 2021 – UPC17-0069 Freestone Ranch LLC Cannabis Cultivation and Processing

The Board of Supervisors will exercise original jurisdiction and consider a Limited Term Use Permit for a cannabis operation that includes 39,861 square feet of outdoor cultivation, 3,150 square feet cultivation in temporary hoop houses, 500 square feet of indoor cannabis cultivation/propagation, 1,125 square feet of propagation/nursery and associated processing on a 10.72-acre parcel located at 1478 Valley Ford Freestone Road in Bodega, within the Land Extensive Agriculture Combining District. The proposed operation will be closed to the public. The project site is currently operating under the Penalty Relief Program.