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Board of Supervisors Assignments Previous Ad-Hoc Committees

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Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS)

Work with Permit Sonoma and County Counsel on: (i) the Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) regulations; and (ii) evaluate options for allowing composting toilets. Engage with stakeholders.

Creation Date: February 1, 2022

Supervisor Assignments

Potter Valley

Work with Sonoma Water staff to explore options related to the future of the Potter Valley Project and Russian River water supply reliability and resiliency. Potential continuation will be reviewed during the Board discussion of ad hocs and assignments at the beginning of each year as needed. Creation Date: August 30, 2022

Supervisor Assignments

South Santa Rosa Annexation

Work with staff to develop the scope and budget of a potential Moorland Annexation project to bring back to the Board of Supervisors and provide direction to staff in relation to working with the City of Santa Rosa and County departments on this project.

Creation Date: September 27, 2022

Supervisor Assignments

Fire Services

Provide direction to staff on activities to increase revenue to support efforts to create more efficient, effective, and sustainable fire services.

Creation Date: January 24, 2023

Supervisor Assignments

Unincorporated Governance

Provide input to staff to explore options to improve the delivery of governance services that are either lacking or insufficient in the unincorporated areas.

Creation Date: January 31, 2023

Supervisor Assignments

Community Survey

Work with staff to interview top consultants being considered to conduct a Countywide community satisfaction survey as identified in the County’s Strategic Plan Organizational Excellence pillar to bring back a recommendation to the Board, and provide input on survey questions. Conclusion currently identified as when survey results are presented to the Board of Supervisors (tentatively mid-April 2023)

Creation Date: October 18, 2022

Supervisor Assignments


Creation Date: January 24, 2023

Supervisor Assignments

Crisis Response

Creation Date: January 24, 2023

Supervisor Assignments

Climate Action Workshop Planning

Develop recommendations on future structure for Board engagement in climate action and resiliency issues in 2023, as well as proposed topics to address and recommendations regarding public engagement and staff reporting on the County’s climate action and resiliency work.

Creation Date: August 2022 – December 2023

Supervisor Assignments

Healthy Forests

Work with APOSD (lead department), UC Coop, CAO (Climate), Sonoma Water, Permit Sonoma to assess the nexus between vegetation management and healthy forests. Review areas to include Tree Ordinance, BRIC grant funds, and revenue opportunities. Engage with stakeholders. 

Creation Date: February 1, 2022 - March 31, 2023

Supervisor Assignments

Public Art Policy Review

Work with Economic Development Board to explore options for expanding public art in the community. Engage with stakeholders.

Creation Date: February 1, 2022

Supervisor Assignments

Project Labor Agreement Policy Update Review

Work with the CAO, General Services, Transportation and Public Works and County Counsel to explore updates to the County’s Project Labor Agreement policy. Engage with stakeholders.

Creation Date: February 1, 2022 - June 1, 2022

Supervisor Assignments


Work with EDB to explore strategies for increasing collaboration and outreach.  Engage with stakeholders.

Creation Date: February 1, 2022

Supervisor Assignments

Evacuation Zone Access

Work with the Department of Emergency Management (as lead department), Ag Commissioner, Office of Equity, Health Department, County Counsel and CAO (legislative affairs) to identify local and state efforts that address evacuation zone access with a focus on farmworker protections and other access issues (livestock and animals, commercial activities, etc.).  The Ad Hoc will look at Ag pass programs and state legislation.  Engage with stakeholders. 

Creation Date: February 1, 2022

Supervisor Assignments

Measure O

A short term ad hoc to work with the CAO’s Office and the Health Department in developing the implementation plan for Measure O.

Creation Date: January 26, 2021 - May 31, 2022

Supervisor Assignments

Permit Sonoma Management Review

As part of the County Administrator’s Office’s periodic review of departmental programs and services, the County engaged a consultant in June 2022 to conduct a management review of Permit Sonoma. The Permit Sonoma Management Review Ad Hoc Committee provided input into the selection of the consultant and received an overview of the project in August 2022 to understand project status and next steps. This project lies under the broader County goal of “strengthening governance, communication and effectiveness.”

Creation Date: June 2022-August 2022

Supervisor Assignments

Emergency Medical Services

The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Ad Hoc Committee was established to provide policy guidance to the Sonoma County Department of Health Services during the process of updating the EMS ordinance and the development and execution of Sonoma County’s EMS Exclusive Operating Area (EOA) model and Request for Proposals to secure the next provider of ambulance services for the EOA.

The Ad Hoc Committee provides policy direction and decision making to DHS leadership and subject matter experts to inform administrative and operational decisions.

Creation Date: 2019-2020

Supervisor Assignments

Climate Action

Following the Board’s strategic planning session, the Ad Hoc will refine the Climate Action charter and develop an action plan for board consideration.

Creation Date: 1/6/2020

Supervisor Assignments

Fire Services

Ad Hoc was reestablished March 2020.

Creation Date: March 2020 - August 2021

Supervisor Assignments

County Center

Ad hoc appointed to engage with the City of Santa Rosa regarding opportunities and challenges with locating the new county administrative center downtown. This is a limited term ad hoc that will be coming back to the Board by July 2021 with information on whether the identified challenges with moving downtown can be adequately addressed.

Creation Date: January 5, 2020 - July 2021

Supervisor Assignments



Creation Date: 6/2020

Supervisor Assignments


The Ad-Hoc Committee will review the Sonoma County Vineyard and Orchard Development Ordinance (VESCO) to explore opportunities to reduce the regulatory, time, and financial burdens to the grape growers by streamlining the process associated with the replanting of vineyards. In addition, the Ad-Hoc Committee will review the contracted engineering services in advance of issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for engineering services in the late spring of 2020.”

Creation Date: 5/2019

Supervisor Assignments

Fire Services – Implementation Phase

Implementation of the Fire Services Project (through the March election) 

Creation Date: 10/23/2018 - 4/1/2020

Supervisor Assignments

Cannabis and Hemp

The Ad Hoc will guide the implementation of the Board’s direction to transition permitting of cannabis cultivation to the Agriculture Commissioner and come back to the Board with an update to the County ordinance for Phase 2.

Creation Date: 8/2018

Supervisor Assignments