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Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Road Improvements and SB1

Published: April 17, 2018

On April 17th, 2018, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approved a list of road improvement projects which will make it easier and safer to travel in Sonoma County. These improvements will be funded with the new State gas tax, also known as Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017.

The improvements include over 15 miles of resurfaced roads, 12 miles of ditching, 13 culvert replacements, and two viaduct replacements. These projects are budgeted with the $9.8 million in new gas tax funding that County of Sonoma is projected to receive in Fiscal Year 2018-19.

The projects include:

Pavement Preservation Program Projects – This Program aims to improve road surfaces and extend pavement life.

RoadLocationTreatmentUseful Life (Est.)
Ferguson Road (69049)PM 10.00 – 11.31Chip Seal5-7 Years
Furlong Road (69052)PM 10.00 – 11.73Chip Seal5-7 Years
Poplar Avenue (58041)PM 10.00 – 11.00Chip Seal5-7 Years
Bohemian Highway (6002D)PM 13.93 – 18.78Overlay5-10 Years
Grove Street (56023)PM 11.79 – 13.87Overlay5-10 Years
River Road (1001B)PM 30.00 – 34.21Overlay5-10 Years

Road Maintenance and Operations Projects– Maintaining the County road system entails a vast array of work, including repair of damaged pavement, cleaning and repair of road signs, removal of roadside vegetation, and repair of slip outs and landslides.

RoadLocationTreatmentUseful Life (Est.)
Willowside Road (79038)PM 11.17 - 10.16Maintenance Repair5-10 Years
Wallace Road (77067)PM 11.49 - 10.00Maintenance Repair5-10 Years
River Road (1001B)PM 30.00 - 34.24Ditching2-5 Years
Los Alamos Road (77005)PM 10.94 - 14.30Ditching2-5 Years
Bohemian Highway (6002D)PM 10.00 - 13.60Ditching2-5 Years
Ross Road (79031B) PM 10.61 - 11.86Ditching2-5 Years
Neeley Road (80120)PM 14.92Viaduct Replacement30 Years
Summerhome Park Road (80032B)PM 10.41Viaduct Replacement30 Years
Porter Creek Road (8801B)PM 19.89 – 20.19Grind & Patch Pave 5-10 Years
River Road (8802B) PM 12.14 – 12.54Grind & Patch Pave5-10 Years
Tomales Road (5803)PM 10.00 – 10.30Grind & Patch Pave 5-10 Years
Arnold Drive (5603) PM 13.30 – 13.60Grind & Patch Pave5-10 Years
Mountain Road (66006)PM 10.54Culvert Replacement20-40 Years
Coleman Valley Road (7003) PM 17.57Culvert Replacement20-40 Years
Salmon Creek Road (60008)PM 12.29Culvert Replacement20-40 Years
Chiquita Road (99032)PM 11.69Culvert Replacement20-40 Years
Bonness Road (56003) PM 10.13Culvert Replacement20-40 Years
Bonness Road (56003) PM 10.42Culvert Replacement20-40 Years
Lytton Station Road (99035)PM 11.14Culvert Replacement20-40 Years
Lytton Station Road (99035)PM 11.16Culvert Replacement20-40 Years
West Dry Creek Road (99017)PM 14.96Culvert Replacement20-40 Years
West Dry Creek Road (99017)PM 10.45Culvert Replacement20-40 Years
Windsor Road (7903B)PM 11.99Culvert Replacement20-40 Years
Windsor Road (7903B)PM 12.21Culvert Replacement20-40 Years
Irwin Lane (78024)PM 11.19Culvert Replacement20-40 Years

The new gas tax comes with transparency and accountability: transportation agencies must submit project lists like the one approved today to the State in order to receive funding. This ensures that the $5 billion each year generated from the new state gas tax is dedicated wisely.