Authority and Duties
Joint Powers Agreement executed June 22, 2017 among the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, the Sonoma County Water Agency, the Sonoma Resource Conservation District, the North Bay Water District, and the city of Petaluma.
The Advisory Committee provides input and recommendations to the Agency Board on groundwater sustainability plan development and implementation and the Agency policies. The intent of the committee is to provide community perspective and participation in the Groundwater Sustainability Agency. The Advisory Committee will review and/or provide recommendation to the Agency Board on groundwater-related issues that may include:
- Development, adoption or amendment of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan
- Sustainability goals and objectives
- Technical and Reporting Standards, including Best Management Practices, data management, and reporting
- Monitoring programs
- Annual work plans and reports (including mandatory 5-year milestone reports)
- Modeling scenarios
- Inter-basin coordination activities
- Projects and Management action to achieve sustainability
- Grant funding proposals
- Community outreach
- Local regulation to implement the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
- Fee proposals
- General advisory