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Department of Health Services

Strategic Planning Committee

Strategic Planning Committee

The Strategic Planning Committee will meet as needed relative to the oversight of periodic strategic planning activities of the Homeless Coalition. The Strategic Planning Committee will promote planning activities that contribute to effective system design, oversight, and operations associated with achieving Homeless Coalition system performance objectives.  Performance objectives include reduced inflow into the homelessness system, reduced lengths of time persons experience homeless, high rates of successful exits from homelessness to permanent housing and decreasing rates of recidivism.

Homeless Coalition Strategic Plan Examples

Committee Members

Name Contact Info Organization if applicable
Ben Leroi  Santa Rosa Community Health
Jennielynn Holmes Catholic Charities/Board member
Tom Bieri  Community Support Network
Dennis Pocekay City of Petaluma
Rebekah Sammet Lived Experience/Community Member
Ludmilla Bade  Lived Experience/Community Member
Angela Struckmann County of Sonoma, HSD
Victoria Yanez Lived Experience/Community Member
Monica Rhinaldi Lived Experience/Westwater Financial, Inc.
Linda Maloney Faculty, Santa Rosa Junior College
Barry Peelen Catholic Charities of Santa Rosa


In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Sonoma County Department of Health Services at (707) 565-1302 (voice) or (707) 565-7555 (TDD). Translators and American Sign Language interpreters for individuals with hearing disabilities will be available upon request. A minimum of 48 hours is needed to ensure the availability of translation services.

Meeting Materials

In accordance with Government Code §54957.5, any materials of public record relating to an agenda item that are provided to a majority of the members less than 72 hours before the meeting will be made available upon request at the Sonoma County Department Of Health Services, 1450 Neotomas Ave. Suite 200, Santa Rosa during normal business hours and will be posted online 72 hours prior to each meeting.

Materials of public record that are distributed during the meeting shall be made available for public inspection at the meeting if prepared by the lead agency or a member of the legislative/advisory body, or within two business days after the meeting if prepared by some other person.

Public Comment

Public Comment may be made prior to the meeting via email. To submit an emailed public comment to the Sonoma County Homeless Coalition Board or the Sonoma County Homeless Coalition Committees, email Please label the written notice as public comment referencing the Sonoma County Homeless Coalition Board or the Sonoma County Homeless Coalition Committee, provide your name, the agenda number(s) on which you wish to speak, and your comment. These comments will be emailed to the referenced Sonoma County Homeless Coalition Board or Committees detailed in the request.

Public comment may also take place during the meeting and can be made live by joining the Zoom meeting. Available time for comments is determined by the Board/Committee Chair based on agenda scheduling demands and total number of speakers.