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Project Portfolio

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With this focus, the Information Systems Department manages a project portfolio that facilitates building and maintaining a strong technology infrastructure and business solutions that help deliver results.

At the end of Fiscal Year  2017/2018 the project portfolio has the following counts: 

Project State Count State Description
Active 47 Funded and moving forward - target dates established
Hold 33 Stopped pending customer or resource constraints
Planning 37 Project being estimated and planned for scheduling
Proposed 34 Requested work, pending funding and or prioritization

In the portfolio, there are several priority projects that represent core foundational elements for improving public service across all strategic goals and initiatives. 

These are significant as the size and complexity of the efforts often consume a large part of available technology and line of business staff resources.  In many cases, these priorities have delayed being able to respond to other important work creating a significant back log that can be seen in the portfolio counts noted above.

Strategic Technology Projects

Several priority initiatives will highlight ISD’s work efforts through July 1st, 2020:

Make our Information Technology (IT) more Resilient by organizing program and mitigation project elements consistent with the Recovery and Resiliency Framework.  Proposed solutions are under review.  The Board has set aside $1.7 million to support this critical project.  The goal includes achieving greater resiliency in the highest priority areas by the end of FY19-20.  Additional funding will need to be identified to complete the later phases.  Additional information is available in the following Recovery Projects section.

Integrated Justice System Stabilization and Modernization project updates the County’s centralized justice system to leverage current technologies that business partners rely upon to effectively serve the community. Nearly 2000 people utilize the system which contributes extensive efficiencies throughout the public safety and justice community. Expenses to support and sustain the modernization effort is estimated at $1M annually to cover both expense items and revenue for required additional staffing for approximately 4-5 years. Measurement:  Complete Phase I conversion to a supported database environment to be completed within 12-18 months following authorization.

  • The update will proceed in three phases over a five year period to replace the underlying technology and significantly improve access, particularly for mobile devices and justice personnel in the field.
  • Phase one planning and procurement is currently underway using available fund balance from the current year.
  • In support of this effort ISD is retraining staff to transfer their knowledge and prepare for redesigning the system and filling vacancies with staff with experience with newer technology.

Forms Digitization - to further implement the County’s Digital Government which provide cost efficiencies and improved service delivery.  Electronic forms will expand use of online services easing access to government programs, services and information with citizens and provide efficiency in internal forms processing versus paper forms currently routed through the County of Sonoma offices and agencies. Information Systems Department (ISD) will continue to seek support and project funds to provide consultation, workflow mapping, form design, electronic signature integration, data collection, data structure for analysis, and integration with the County’s existing trusted system, OnBase, and other enterprise systems.

Document Remediation - the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and supporting regulations require all government entities that receive federal funding to provide equal access to services, electronic access to information is equally as important as physical access to individuals with disabilities. Based on the current volume of documents requiring remediation Information Systems will look for ways to improve our efforts and support departments in providing access to all.

IT Resiliency Projects

See attachment that includes summary information on the Recovery and Resiliency Framework.

Information Systems is working to include incorporate IT Resiliency as a normal consideration for all projects, seeking to improve the ability for County operations to sustain operations during and after a disaster.  Subject to Board approvals set aside funds for IT resiliency and related infrastructure funds and operating revenue will be leveraged to address gaps and mitigate risks.  The following is a summary outline of anticipated activities in FY 19/20.

Spring/Summer 2019: Engage Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Consultant to complete an assessment of County’s information systems (staffing, procedures, software, hardware, network, servers, circuits, and locations) to identify the gaps in IT resiliency and corresponding recommendations to be completed within available resources.

  • Reassign ISD resources to coordinate with Emergency Services and CAO Office to develop project deliverables and deadlines.
  • Issue RFPs for disaster recovery/business continuity and to review alternatives for Cloud based personal productivity tools to replace on premise tools (Microsoft Office).
  • Initiate network/infrastructure redesign to ensure cloud accessibility and readiness to transfer personal productivity workloads to Cloud vendors.

Summer/Fall 2019: Develop Business Continuity and Implementation Plan 

  • COOP Integration - Coordinate with departments on IT needs analysis for line of business applications.
  • Identify and /or reaffirm proposed program elements, one-time costs, potential on-going, additional limited resources, capital projects.
  • Gain Board concurrence, direction and approvals.

Winter/Spring 2020: Plan Execution

  • Follow plan timetable.
  • Finalize staffing and support organization plans.
  • Proposal for any remaining items in the FY 2020-21 budget.

Cyber Security– update and enhance IT security programs, policies, and technical systems to protect systems and data.  Evaluate virus and malware systems and enhance as appropriate to improve security posture.

Routine & Mid-Sized Projects – 2019 / 2020

In addition to Strategic Projects, the portfolio contains over 130 routine and mid-sized projects.  Each of the County Strategic Goals help guide our work planning and prioritization of effort. The Information Systems Department balances efforts on technology projects and related services in collaboration with departments.  Each project is associated with a function of government with a primary role and responsibility to defined goals.

Functions of Government

  • Admin & Civic Engagement
  • Health and Human Services
  • Land & Property Management
  • Public Safety and Justice

Technology infrastructure that supports all functions and goals relates to the Investing in our Future and is included in the Project Portfolio.

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