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Property Data for Sale to the Public

Homes in a Neighborhood


Our fees have changed as of 07/01/2022

The Assessor's Office offers non-confidential property information to the public for a fee in accordance with California Revenue and Taxation Code section 408.3.

This page lists the information available for purchase at our office in Santa Rosa.   

Parcel Maps

The Assessor maintains nearly 7,000 maps that illustrate over 183,000 parcels of property in Sonoma County. Map books containing copies of these maps are available for viewing in our Santa Rosa office.

11" x 17" and also 8½" x 11" photocopies are available for purchase.

 Description  Fee
11 x 17 or 8½ x 11 (per map page) $10.00
All Maps (single issue) $110.00
All Maps (annual subscription with monthly updates) $1,305.00

Property Information

Assessment roll and property characteristic information is available for most parcels in Sonoma County.

Roll Data

Roll data is available via email, in our office, or over the phone. Roll data includes basic assessment roll and assessee information about a property.

Property Profile

A Property Profile is a report that lists a variety of land, residential, value, agricultural, and commercial data for a single parcel; a copy of this report is available for purchase at our Customer Service counter.

Information on a Property Profile includes the parcel number, street address, assessee, and use code information, as well as square footage, bed and bath count, parcel size and applicable agricultural preserve data.

The use code identifies the principal use of a property. 

Please note: Use codes are for assessment purposes only.

Request Property Profile

 Description Fee 
Roll Data (per parcel) $10.00 
Property Profile (per parcel) $15.00

Building Records

Only the property owner or an authorized representative can view or purchase Assessor Building Records. Building Records are those the Assessor maintains that pertain to the assessment of the real or personal property. Identification (and a completed authorization form) is required to view or purchase copies of these documents.

Authorization to Access Confidential Files

Request Assessor Building Records

Assessor Building Records may include:

  • A sketch (outline) of the building(s)
  • Information on physical characteristics of the building(s)
  • Appraiser field notes

The Assessor’s Offices does not maintain copies of blueprints, plot plans/site plans, or location of well/septic.

 Description  Fee
 Building Record Documents  $10.00 first 3 pages, $0.50 per additional page

City/County Parcel Map Book Boundary Maps

The Assessor's Office maintains maps of the nine incorporated cities in Sonoma County showing the boundaries of our parcel map books within each respective vicinity. We also have maps showing the boundaries of our parcel map books in the entire county. Framed editions of the maps are hanging in the public counter area of our Santa Rosa main office and copies are available for purchase.

 Description Fee 
City Maps (each) $8.00
Sonoma County Map $8.00


Assessor's Master List (Property Characteristics)
Secured Roll

There are three reports available for the Secured Roll:

  • Parcel Number, Current Owner, Use Code and Mailing List
  • Parcel Number, Current Owner, Use Code, Mailing List and Roll Values
  • Parcel Number, Current Owner, Use Code, Mailing List, Roll Values and Property Characteristics

All reports include 2,000 parcel number.  Additional parcels available for a fee. 

Parcel Number, Current Owner, Use Code & Mailing list

$180.00 (includes 2,000 parcels)

$0.10/each additional parcel

Parcel Number, Current Owner, Use Code, Mailing List and Roll Values

$210.00 (includes 2,000 parcels)

$0.10/each additional parcel

Parcel Number, Current Owner, Use Code, Mailing List, Roll Values and Property Characteristics

$240.00 (includes 2,000 parcels)

$0.10/each additional parcel

Assessor's Master List
Unsecured Roll

There are two reports available for the Unsecured Roll:

  • Assessment Numbers, Mailing List
  • Assessment Numbers, Mailing List and Values

Both reports include 2,000 assessment numbers.  Additional assessment numbers available for a fee.

Mailing List with Situs (Property Location Address)

A list of assessee name, parcel numbers, mailing address and situs for tax rate are codes for parcels you select.

Mailing List

$140.00 (includes 2,000 parcels)

$0.10/each additional parcel

Assessor's Mailing List with Situs
Unsecured Roll

This report contains a list of assessments, assessee names, situs and mailing address.

Mailing list with values

$180.00 (includes 2,000 parcels)

$0.10/each additional parcel

Parcel Maps

The Assessor maintains nearly 7,000 maps that illustrate over 183,000 parcels of property in Sonoma County. Map books containing copies of these maps are available for viewing in our Santa Rosa office.

  • All Maps (Entire county, single issue)
  • Annual Subscription with monthly updates

Property Transfer List in Parcel Number Sequence

The Property Transfer List, also called the Transfer Journal, is a monthly listing of all reappraisable transfers of real property in Sonoma County that occurred during the prior two years. Report is ran monthly, on a quarterly basis for a 2 year time period.

Subdivision Index

There are more than 3,200 subdivisions in Sonoma County, and the list is growing. An Excel format listing of these subdivisions in alphabetical order is available. The report can also be delivered by email. 

The Subdivision Index is updated annually and provides name and parcel number book and page data for each subdivision.


  • CD’s do not work on Apple Computers.
  • Available by CD, So Co Cloud FTP.
  • Cannot upload to external drop box/FTP sites or memory sticks.
  • Available formats: Excel, Shapefile, Comma Delimited and Pipe Delimited.
  • Payment required in advance.
  • Specialized reports are available at additional cost, please call 707 565 1888 for details.
 Description Fee 
Parcel Maps - All Maps (Entire County, Single Issue) $110.00
Parcel Maps - Annual Subscription with Monthly Updates $1,305.00 
Property Transfer List (Transfer Journal) (Per Issue) $70.00 
Property Transfer List (Per Annual Subscription)  $865.00 
Subdivision Index $25.00 

Other Items and Services

Use Code Index

The Assessor assigns a use code to every parcel that identifies its predominant use. Please note that our use codes are for assessment purposes only. Use Code Index we have available for purchase for $3.50.

FAX/Email Fee

We can FAX/email a copy of documents you require to you for a fee of $4.00 per parcel.

Assessor Certification Service

The Sonoma County Assessor's Office will stamp and certify documents that we provide to the public for a fee of $5.00 per document.

Assorted Services

In addition to all of the products and services listed above, the Sonoma County Assessor's Office can provide a number of services for you including informal segregation, voluntary mergers, and general property research. There are fees for some of these services.